DEIMOS Space is the technology company within the ELECNOR Group specialised in the design, engineering and development of solutions and systems integration in the aerospace, satellite systems, remote sensing, information systems and telecommunications network sectors. In the space sector its expertise encompasses Mission and Flight Engineering, Space Situational Awareness, Ground Segment Systems, Flight Software Systems and Global Navigation Satellite Systems


DEIMOS is the coordinator for the SWAMI activity. As such, one of the main roles for DEIMOS will be to monitor of the project in administrative and financial terms, perform everyday management, guarantee the quality of the project outcomes, serve as the interface with EU, identify and mitigate project risk and guarantee that ethical, legal and gender issues are properly considered.

On the research and development side, DEIMOS supports the merging of the UM and DTM models, evaluate the resulting atmospheric models with regards to re-entry prediction capabilities, and contribute to the transition to operations of the suitable models developed along the project. Overall support to the rest of the WPs will also be provided



The Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) is the French government space agency (administratively, a “public administration with industrial and commercial purpose”). Its headquarters are in Paris and it is placed under the supervision of the French ministries of Defence and of Research.

It was founded in 1961, and presently has a workforce of about 2400, of which 1800 are engineers. CNES is helping to foster new technologies that will benefit society, focusing on: access to space, civil applications of space, Science and Technology research, and security and defence.


CNES contributes to most WPs but mainly to WP2, by improving the semi-empirical thermosphere model DTM at its lower boundary in the 120-200 km altitude range, and by implementing and testing the high-cadence Kp indices. The model will then be coupled with the Met Office UM model in a transitional altitude band of 150-170 km. The variability of the thermosphere will be derived and analysed and modelled in the form of tables. CNES is lead of WP5, Dissemination, and in charge of the to be organised special session and exhibitions at the European Space Weather Week workshops



The Met Office is the national meteorological service for the United Kingdom, providing quality meteorological and related services for the Government, the public, the armed forces, aviation and commercial customers. Central to its weather forecasting is a state-of-the-art Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) system, while for its advice to Government, especially on climate change issues, it has a state-of-the-art climate modelling system. It also provides operational space weather forecasts for the UK


The Met Office is in charge of scientific coordination of the whole project, and in addition leads WP2 (whole atmosphere model). Specific tasks include build and test extended UM, focusing on dynamics and radiation changes. Ensure lodging of extended UM code into MO code configuration system. Contribute to creation of MOWA based on merging of extended UM and DTM. Contribution to creation of MCM

The Met Office also contributes to WP3 by indicating the requirements for geomagnetic indices that will drive the UM, and to WP4 by taking steps to implement the WP2 model outputs in an operational environment.



German Research Centre for Geosciences, GFZ is a centre within the Helmholtz Association. GFZ carries research ranges across the full breadth of the Earth Sciences from the dynamics of Earth’s deep interior to remote observation of its active surface and space. GFZ has a strong tradition in the monitoring of our planet with geophysical and remote sensing techniques, like the past and ongoing satellite missions CHAMP, Swarm and GRACE, magnetic or gravimetric observatories, the global seismological network GEOFON (since 1992)


GFZ contributes with developing new  high-cadence geomagnetic activity Hp indices which are based on the existing 3-hourly Kp and ap indices but will be of higher temporal resolution including predictions of Kp and Hp indices. GFZ leads and mainly is involved in WP 3 and will partly is involved in other WPs. GFZ contributes with their expertise in magnetic data analyses, forecast algorithm, the geomagnetic forcing of the upper atmosphere, and thermosphere models.

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